The Three Guys From Miami have put together a list of their favorite Cuban and Latin restaurants and bakeries in cities across the United States.
Although the restaurant quality can vary from merely good all the way up to outstanding, you won't find any BAD restaurants on this website.
This site does not include any establishment that the Three Guys can't honestly recommend. They know what they like and it seems that most people agree with their tastes – more than 5 million people have visited the Three Guys From Miami sites.
The Three Guys love to hear from their readers. If you have a restaurant suggestion, send it to the Three Guys From Miami and they will add it to their list. They like nothing better that trying out new places and telling the world about them!
The Three Guys From Miami have made several appearances on the Food Network, were featured in a public television documentary, have appeared on the Travel Channel, and are frequent guests on public radio. They have also been featured in popular magazines such as Coastal Living, Southern Living, Midwest Home, Florida Travel and Living, and The Miami Herald among others.
They are also the author of two popular books: "Three Guys From Miami Cook Cuban" and "Three Guys From Miami Celebrate Cuban."